The Daily Doggos.
As part of my New Years Resolution, I wanted to create better drawing habits for myself. I needed to get into the habit of drawing everyday. Even if its only a scribble. I was tired of having to retrain myself on using basic art utensils every time I started a project because Id gotten so rusty. So I started a challenge.... just for myself. It needed to be simple enough that I wouldnt get overwhlemed, yet hold my interest for longer than a week.

So I started the "Daily Doggo" challenge. Anyone whose met me knows how much I love dogs. Dog Shows in general are a kind of monotone affair but as a child I was mesmerized by them. I used to look up different dog breeds just for fun and read about them, where they came from, how the breed came to be, what its defining characteristics are. Even as an adult now I have an unusually large memory bank for dog breeds. Starting in January of 2018, I decided that I would draw a different breed of dog each day. Some I freehanded from memory if I was really familiar, others Id collect reference images and refresh my memory. I had a habit, in the past of picking up those month-long drawing challenges. Many of which because they had amazing prompts. Inktober ones especially always sound fun when I start them. But Ive been too undisciplined and out of practice to stick with them for more than a handful of days. I justify that Im too busy or too tired.

So I made this challenge as foolproof as I could for myself. It doesnt have to be elaborate. It doesnt have to be well thought out or even skillful. Its just a doodle. Each day. Of a different breed. Sometimes stationary, sometimes with narrative. Sometimes with pen and ink sometimes digital.
I gave myself as few limitations as possible to eliminate any opportunity for lazy excuses. And its been very successful so far. In 54 days Ive drawn 52 dog breeds. Some days I do skip it.... but I dont sweat it or beat myself up about it. Im not doing this challenge for anyone else but myself, there is no deadline. Im posting them to my facebook page (dedfox doodles) and Tumblr blog (dedfox) but Im trying not to pressure myself into making them great polished works of art. They dont have to be perfect.... or even "good" by my impossibly high standards for myself its just a simple daily sketch. And then some days it pays off and I draw one and then get inspired to draw another or draw something else all together. Its improved my perseverance as an artist in general. Just this week Ive done 2 1/2 rather elaborate underwater themed watercolors. (A feat which in previous years could have taken me as long as 9 months between long art hiatuses)
Its all about finding what works for you, what interests you, What youre passionate enough about to push through your own unmotivated lowest lows.